Monday, June 30, 2008

Alien Abduction

They took me to their planet, and they taught me how to coordinate my colors.


Before: an out of shape mom

After: an out of shape mom

Stick Em Up!

Oh no!  Don't hurt us....unless you really have to....

Whip It, Whip It Good!

Nerds with red cups.

Doctor Who?

"But Dad, I want to be Spider Man!"

Saturday, June 28, 2008

21st Century Grim Reaper

Cheese and Bacon 

Australian Swim Team

We are so screwed.  Our secret weapon is the Speedo LZR Racer.  Their secret weapon - LZR Vision.  

Those crazy naturalists....

Is that a tacito or are you just happy to see me?

Bob's Sleep Over

He's just one of the girls!


SWF, loves walks on the beach, sunsets, hairy backs and chili-dogs.

Grody Jody

What kind of cooties are trapped under those finger nails?

Cheerios must be so proud.

 Her girlfriend is going to have the sad revelation that she really wants dick after all.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Tattoo a pig- why?
I guess it makes it tough.


I'm sorry dude, but that ain't anything to be proud of. Just put a snout on your arm and you're a winner in the livestock division

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Juan's Star Crossed Lover

I understand it has been a long time, and Bibiana is very lovely, but you do realize that she is a dog?

Halloween in Berwin

As if life wasn't bad enough for the Plonski sisters, their mom made their Halloween costumes out of trash bags.  At least they don't have to show their faces.

Vagina Monologue

If your pussy could talk, what would she say about you?  She looks like a bitch.

Sweaty Back Fat

Nothing sexier than 69 with your fat girlfriend who has been riding bitch all day!


"Why is our accountant granting wishes to the kiddies?" - Neighbor

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Captain Jackass

Sweetie, your father left 15 years ago to pursue his dream. Don't ask, honey, he was a dumbass.

Papa Smurf is envious

How I wish I could sit all day with a stupid grin playing with myself....wait....I do....

Brother rat

The older brother. You know, the bagger down at the Kroger that talks to himself.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Santa's Homo Brother

The hot one....

Christmas in June

Woops, I meant Christmas in Hell.

Sweaters that tell a story.

Christmas in June...I mean Wisconsin.  Get it?

Ah, Summertime!

Mommy, my Big Bird is greasy.

Modern Day Michaelangelo

Marco's dedication to preserving the arts is truly commendable.  Now leave him be; the crawl space is his sanctum.  

We are doomed...

King Arthur is rolling over in his tomb as we speak.  Really.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ocean Bay

Underground Market Panties...

Ring around the Geek

Greasy Panties...


Code Red

Why are you getting your ass kicked Private?  Rubber Panties.  

Sugar Lips

Permanently Stained Panties...


As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. -  Yitzhak Hayyim

This Just In: Corey Hart Found in Malibu

Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades
oh no.
Don't masquerade with the guy in shades
oh no.
I can't believe it!
You got it made with the guy in shades
oh no.
And I wear my sunglasses at night.

Sweater Bra!

I was so wasted last night.  Wanna go to the beach?   

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Son, aim at the....


Papa Smurf is stumped

Ok...I think its a girl, but, um...I'm really not sure. Even if she is a girl, her clitoris would qualify as a package!

Its a bird, its a plane...

WTF is it?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wild Banshees

Ah, Burning Man, good times....You smell like pee.

This is Spinal Tap???

Derek Smalls meets Mark Shubb.


Roger, those pigtails really work for you.  I love the grey lowlights.

Cat Stevens

Drugs are bad.

Rock Band

Um, it's a video game guys.